Monday, November 24, 2008

Mediatization of the Youth: Speaker:Rev.Fr. Christian Buenafe,O'cram


Media brings impacts to the world that contribute to its nonstop moderniation. It plays an important role in bridging the gap of all countries around the globe. As a matter of fact, media links different countries with different cultures. It builds relationship between people from different races more possible. Peolple get closer to one another because of media.

Does media really creates culture?Absolutely, yes. Media influences people worldwide. In fact, media is one reason of many changes in the recent times. It even influences people's way of living. It also affects the way they interact others. It influences almost, if not all, adults, youhts, and children as well. Perhaps, peopleare always going to the flow of the modern world.

Media changes the beliefs of adults especially i terms of the household concerns. Usually, they are influenced by it in many ways. The advertisement of different products, say for example, is one factor that consumers are switching to the products which are endorsed by the famous endorser, They easily believe on them without thinking whether it is effective or not. This also changes thier pracitces.

Youth, based on the research, are the target of media. Many say that youth of today and youth before are different. They are more liberated.It is because of the existence of different kinds of media. They ,most of the time, believe on what they have seen and discovered than the words of their parents. The old practices that being taught to them hav vanished little by little. Like for example, it is easy for the boys this time to court a girl. He will just simply send love quotes to the lady he likes. It is just a matter of texts messages that he get the heart of the girl. Unlike before, it takes time, effort, and money for the boys to court girls. See?

Media influences children. It is said that children are the decission-makers in the household. Like for instance, in order that children will study their lesson, parents are going to promise some rewards and incentives. They may them stuff which they often see in the television or treat them outside for dinner. This practice is never observed before. Children also learn many languages through media. These are the languages that are in or shall we say "uso" .

All people existing in this changing world are greatly influenced by media. People imitate those things that media are presented. This is the reason why cultures of certain country is also change. It is being mixed by the practices of the cultures by other influential country. Thus, media creates culture. It shape's one's behavior and attitude most especially the minds of the young ones.

What is the contribution of computer technolgyin media?

Computer technology has lots of contributio in media. Some of it is that it makes the communication more fast. Text is the common means of communication nowadays. People can receive messages within a few minutes. They can also text abck immediately if they they would like to. It is very easy to mail messages and information because of computer technology.

Media becomes more high-tech in the sense that computer technology is very advance. It aloows people to explore all over the world without expending big amounts. It is easy for them to know the cultures of the neighboring countries. It also makes them to become more updated of the latest news.

Computer technology provides outputs which are best source of information and knowledge.
The internet, like for example, provides ample results that you need in your research. You can fine th best output within a few minutes. Thus, you can save time and effort in doing work because of computer technology.

How media affects education?

Media makes education nowadays more modernized. It makes the teaching-learning process more interestine, more interactive and more alive. The aid of media in instruction, students become more participative. it also creates a positive classroom environment.

Education today uses instructional technology in achieving high standards in kearning. Many students and teachers are dependent on the internet. Every time that there are requirements, research or reports, all of them rely on the computer.

Accordingly, media takes over more responsibilities and functions compare to the educators in terms of learning. it is, perhaps, that the students learn more from media than the ordinary instruction in the classroom setting. It is so degrading for all educators that media surpassed their role in shaping the minds of the students.

How powerful is the technology of today in terms of media and education?

Because of technology, media becomes more influential in the society. Its existence affects human because of modern it. All kinds of media, perhaps, is fruit of ever-chaning technology. It enables media to bring impact and influence people's way of living.

technology helps education to become more progressive and more competitive.. It does not only make education raises its standard in terms of learning but, it also creates more interactive and more positive environment. It gives the students opportunities to discover and to explore meaningful experiences. It develops theor cognitive skills, therefore. Education also becomes more productive with the aid of technology. Its progress shows the importance of technolgy.

Thus, technology is very powerful in terms of media and education. But, its power starts to exceed and dehumanize human. As what it is being said, "man becomes tool of their own tools."

Reaction about the movie "Hapag ng Pag-asa"

The movie entitled "hapag ng pag-asa shows the real situation of our society. It presents the life of the scavengers who feel hunger,thirst, pain, and cold. These people need lots of thing in order to surive. But sad to say that they do not have even a single centavo to buy jast a piece of bread. This movie also emphasizes not only the life of the people along the street or the people in the quaters area, but also to the poeple who are affected of economic crisis that we are facing most especially in terms of education.

In terms of education, the movie implicates that education is very important to all individual. it is the only way to change our standard of living.
It is very necessary most especially to the youth. As the saying goes, "Youth is the hope of our country". It is their right to go to school, bring books and hold a ballpen not a garbage that they have collected somewhere.If people educated, they will surely live with satisfaction. it is because they have the abilities to face the battle of life most ewspecially the battle that our society has. Education is our weapon to survive whatever crisis we may face in the next chapter of our journey.

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